Die Kernprodukte von ACME, Laserrohrschneidmaschinen und Laserschneidmaschinen, werden in 60 Ländern und Regionen auf der ganzen Welt gut verkauft. Im Folgenden finden Sie die Verteilung unserer Vertriebsregionen. Willkommen, um mit Ihrem nächsten Regionalmanager in Kontakt zu treten.
Die von uns verwendeten traditionellen Bearbeitungsmethoden wie Plasmaschneiden, Sägen, manuelles Sauerstoffschneiden usw. weisen eine schlechte Schnittgenauigkeit auf, was zu einer instabilen Produktqualität führt.
Die Arbeitsumgebung ist über die Anforderungen des Umweltschutzes hinaus stark verschmutzt und steht unter dem Druck der Sanierung. Die Arbeitskosten sind hoch, die Produktionseffizienz ist gering, und sie kann die Marktnachfrage nicht befriedigen.
Application in long workpiece
Laser cutting has small thermal deformation and is more effective for slender work-pieces requiring straightness. The "micro-joint" function of machine can be used to effectively control the straightness of the work-piece.
Three-chuck clamping can achieve zero tail cutting and reduce material waste. Strong clamping force reduces the fluctuation range of tubes, which can effectively reduce processing errors and improve processing accuracy.
Application in sheets and tubes with more holes
Using laser cutting directly, eliminating the drilling process and improving labor production efficiency.
For workpieces with more holes, the powerful software function can be used to accurately locate the hole position, reducing the cost of drilling templates, which not only improves production efficiency, but also the product accuracy.
ACME Laser original static cutting technology has more obvious cutting advantages for complex cutting patterns.
Application in cutting irregular patterns and tubes
Laser cutting machine can accurately cut irregular patterns, improve the accuracy and efficiency of cutting parts. Non-closed tubes such as I-beams, channel steel, angle steels and irregular profiles can be cut with excellent cutting sections and high precision.
Combined with modern CNC machine tools, the fiber laser cutting machine has the characteristics of high cutting precision, good controllability, simple procedures, material saving and less pollution.
Good cutting of hard materials with high hardness, high melting point and extremely brittle and difficult to machine. Because laser cutting is non-contact processing, there is no mechanical force.
+86 13863469522
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